
Those who are curious like to read a newspaper, scroll through articles, listen to podcasts and have access to an endless amount of documentaries and non-fiction books. The flow of information is endless, but no matter how much you consume, your role only really counts when you become part of a place or conversation. 

UrbanGuides realizes how valuable it is to experience important developments in real life and is therefore launching a new tour product: UrbanExplore; interactive programs where participants are inspired to gain a different view of the city and a new perspective on the changing society.

Don’t expect classic tours; UrbanExplore stands for meeting and conversation, for creating awareness by talking to each other about topics that matter. And where better to do this than in Rotterdam, the city that has always been open to experiment, but which has also faced major challenges and still faces the necessary challenges?

With this new program, UrbanGuides focuses on major topics such as climate (energy transition, climate adaptation), housing and the inclusive city and presents these in specific neighborhoods, such as Bloemhof, Bospolder-Tussendijken and the area around the Haringvliet. Together with the group of participants, UrbanGuides digs into history, reflects on the present and looks ahead to the future, in the hope that together they can make even the smallest bit of ‘positive impact’. #toursthatmatter

Fotocredits; Guus Schoonwille


  • UrbanExplore


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  • check program

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Grid 01 Temp UrbanExplore

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100 years Housing Crisis!

The excursion 100 years of the Housing Crisis!’ explores Rotterdam’s residential history in an original way and looks ahead towards the future.

According to politicians, the Netherlands currently has to build about 1 million extra homes. How did we, as a nation, get to this point? And how are we going to approach this? And is this all still about how we want to live and for whom?

In the past, the Netherlands has faced a similar task, several times even. With the introduction of public housing at the beginning of the 20th century, after the Second World War and during the famous urban renewal in the 1970s and 1980s. What can we today, learn from the approach and vision of the enthusiastic urban planners, committed architects and, above all, from the involved residents from the past?

The excursion starts at the museum house in the Kiefhoek: the main example of good living for the working class in the 1920s. The tour continues through the South using statements, images and stories about other major moments in housing history to create a shared vision of the future of living in the city.

‘100 Years of Housing Crisis!’ was created in close collaboration with Studio Ruimte; more information about Studio Ruimte see Studio Ruimte


  • Housing


  • Price: €250,00 ex 21% VAT (including visit Museumhouse de Kiefhoek)
  • 2 hours
  • 15 persons per guides

Start Locatie

  • Hendrik Idoplein 2 – Museumwoning de Kiefhoek

100 years Housing Crisis! Image ENG

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Rotterdam Ontrafelt…

With more than 175 nationalities and a population of which more than half has a migrant background, Rotterdam is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, traditions and languages. This diverse city bears the traces of its colonial past, where 1 in 8 Rotterdam residents have ancestors who were once enslaved. A history that continues in the form of contemporary racism, discrimination and exclusion.

Rotterdam Ontrafelt…’ is a guided walking program in the middle of the city and, together with a team of two supervisors, a storyteller and workshop teacher, exposes the structures, backgrounds and references of centuries of colonialism through stories and illustrations. In addition to sharing knowledge, insights and anecdotes, this interactive program is an invitation to conversation to work together on a city where everyone feels at home.

Het Haringvliet (Oude Haven)
Against the historic backdrop of the Haringvliet, UrbanGuides delves into the colonial history of Rotterdam. The area where Rotterdam’s colonial slavery system, especially in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, came together. Here one found the West India Company, Admiralty on the Maze, sugar refineries, living and working locations of the Rotterdam colonial elite (including the infamous slave trader Jacob Coopstad) and colonial shipbuilding. But the area around the Haringvliet not only benefited, it was also the place where the first Rotterdam protests against this system manifested themselves. In short, an important part of Rotterdam history that tells us a lot about the present.

Land van Hoboken (Museumpark)
The former estate of Anthony van Hoboken, now better known as the Museum Park, represents other episodes of Rotterdam’s long colonial history. Despite other episodes and new systems, such as contract labor and the culture couple, making a lot of money through exploitation remained central. We will follow these hidden and overt traces of colonial history, but there are also other colonial connections to be made in the Museum Park. For example, the various museums in and around the Museum Park house collections that are full of references, stereotypes or works of art and objects from the colonies. How do museums deal with this legacy today? Economy, art and culture and history, it’s all covered in this walk about Rotterdam’s colonial past.

‘Rotterdam Ontrafelt…’ is very suitable for groups who want to enrich themselves with knowledge and insight about the impact of our history on today’s society.


  • Colonial


  • Price: €350,00 ex 21% VAT (including drinks)
  • 2 hours
  • 20 persons per guide

Start Locatie

  • Het Haringvliet – Wijnhaven 7-13 (Mariniersmuseum) or Land van Hoboken – Westzeedijk (Kunsthal)

Rotterdam Ontrafelt Image ENG

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Climate tour Bospolder Tussendijken

BoTu: Neighborhood on Human Power

Bospolder-Tussendijken, also known affectionately as BoTu, will become Rotterdam’s first climate-neutral neighborhood in 2035. sustainable energy transition. The neighborhood was built a hundred years ago in a period when gas and electricity connections were not common. So the neighborhood is all set, now it is up to us!

How can we use our own energy as efficiently as possible, together with natural power? Travel to the future with us, where the neighborhood once again runs on human power. During this journey we also look to the past, which principles from over a century ago were in fact already sustainable and can be used again?

The neighborhood was built between 1910 and 1935 for workers of the rapidly growing port. In this period of renewal and progress, it was thought that healthy, happy people were more productive. Improving the living conditions of the harbor workers and their families was therefore central in the design of the neighborhood. These concerns resulted in an outdoor space with various squares and wide pedestrian streets, as well as several communal facilities such as the green courtyard gardens, the bathhouse, and the launderette. The pace in the neighborhood was slower than today, all facilities were within walking distance and there was no heavy car traffic yet. Experiments were also carried out within the housing blocks and dwellings to improve the quality of life. For example, houses were laid out efficiently and gradually connected to the gas and electricity networks.

In climate-neutral BoTu, sustainable principles regarding living and life from over a century ago are combined with the most modern techniques. In this future, the combination of manpower together with biomass, wind and solar energy will result in the neighborhood with the lowest energy bill in the Netherlands. A large part of the houses can even be disconnected from the gas and electricity networks!

The House of the Future and UrbanGuides will take you through Bospolder-Tussendijken, to see not only the neighborhood with new eyes, but also the global task of energy transition.

BoTu: Neighborhood on Human Power was created in close collaboration with Huis van de Toekomst, more info on Huis van de Toekomst, see www.huisvandetoekomst.org

Tip! Are you interested in climate excursions? Then be sure to check out our Green City tour.


  • Climate


  • €250,00 ex 21% VAT (including visit The House of the Future)
  • 2 hours
  • 15 persons per guide

Start Locatie

  • Jan Kobellstraat 56a (Huis van de Toekomst)

BoTu: Neighborhood on Human Power Image ENG

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Start Locatie

Grid 02 Temp UrbanExplore

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